Today we are celebrating Birthdays! My moms especially as hers is actually 9/21 but Ron and I as well just for the heck of it! We get up bright and earlyish...and head over to the Magic Kingdom. We want to take in a few attractions before we have to get on the monorail and head over to Chef Mickeys. Our first stop for the day was Stitches Great escape. Unfortunatly we all thought this attractions was major lame! Next was Monsters Inc Laugh factory. This was a riot! We all thouroughly enjoyed this attraction and laughed our hineys off!
After Monster we high tailed it to the monorail to get over the Contemporary resort and our brunch with Mickey and friends. The monorail ride was fun and we got to see some glimpses of the Polonysian resort on our way over. We arrived at Chef Mickeys Checked in and had our picture taken. Then we waited and waited and waited....finally we were called and taken to our table.

Up Next Minnie Mouse.
Pluto paused to day hello.
What! No Donald....boy was Ron mad. Donald just passed him by.
We did get a visit from goofy though.
After we finished our meal we of course headed to the gift shops to check out the goods. We found some awesome hats. and the perfect outfit for Breanne. She did not seem to agree it seems.
We then headed back to the Monorail to return to the Magic Kingdom.
Hi daughter no. 2. Your mom still looks the same as the last time I saw her. You look great. I love the pictures. I got to you by going thru Tammy's - I will have to have her get you added to mine list. I am not computer smart and so she has to help me a lot. Mom no. 2
Hey, I'm super jealous, that looked like a lot fun. Love the one where your hubby looks mad ;)
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