Monday, January 19, 2009
Reality TV
Nice weekend
Sunday was a girlfreind day. While Ron slept I met Liz and Carri in Renton for pedicures and lunch at the Olive Garden. Can you say PEACH BELLINI! Yumm! It was a very nice afternoon. I spent the rest of the evening watching shows that I had recorded. Episode 2 of Rock of Love, the second half of the Bachelor,Real housewives of Orange County and some nanny movie. So a pretty lazy evening al in all. Ron slept until 6:00! I did not even make a real dinner! Had such a late lunch I was not hungry, girls had cereal and I made Ron a sandwich, only because he was pouting about NO DINNER!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Blogger catch up!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The day after!
Mike was supposed to go to his mom's right after school let out for Christmas break and return home late Christmas Eve night but due to all of the snow and ice Tammy was unable to come and get him. Since things have pretty much melted away and she has Thursday's off she is suppose to come and get him today. I assumed that since she hasn't seen him him in a while and missed spending any Christmas time with him she would want to get him early and spend some time with him. But I guess I was wrong as she didn't pick him up until 4:00. Oh well at least he will get to see her and have the evening and a little time on the weekend in between her work hours. Tommorow - back to work!
Happy New Year!
A better day.

Happy Birthday too me!
Christmas continued

Patiently waiting for things to get stared. G-ma Sue, Breanne, Mike, Arianna, Ashley.
G-ma Carol's Tree! Gypsy wondering which presents are hers.
Ron helping with breakfast
Me and Janie Lou! Hey Janie that is almost a smile!
Ron wondering if we are every going to get started!
Ron playing Santa.
Gypsy getting her presents. Squeeky toys!
The morning was fun and I think we all had a good time. Ron was very tired as he had been up all night so around 1 ish, after all of the festivities were over we headed back home so Ron could get some shut eye before dinner.

Mother and Kenny arived at our house at 5:00 for dinner with Ash and Anna! We thought they were going to their moms that afternoon so this was a nice suprise. Breanne's boyfreind Todd came over and we had a really nice dinner. Pot Roast, Ham, mashed potatoes, corn, peas, coleslaw and I am sure more but it escapes me. Mother, Kenny and the girls ate reather quickly as they were meeting the girls mom after dinner for the "child exchange" so after they ate they rushed off to meet up with Tonya. Unfortunatly they never showed up to get the girls! Tonya , the girls mom, and her boyfreind Jason have some real issues with being grown ups! Thus someone else has been raising her kids. So it seems Jason picked this night, Chritsmas, to throw a fit about "Not my kids" so why do I have to drive around to get them! Good Grief! Grow up already! So the girls ultimatly ended up not going to there moms.
Friday Ashley and Arianna came over to spend the weekend with us. We had a Wii marathon. They kept me up untill after 12:00 both nights playing Raving Rabids TV party and bowling. We Wii danced and Wii ski'd on our butts and a ton of other hysterical games! It was tons of fun!

Electric snuggly blanket