Day 4 is a Magic Kingdom Day. With the trip to the E-room last night for G-ma's leg mom and I did not get to bed until after 2:00 in the morning. I did not set an alarm and figured we would just wake and get going whenever we felt like it. I woke up about 8:00 and started getting ready. G-ma woke up shortly after me and was feeling like she would be able to handle a park day. I woke up the rest of the gang and they did NOT want to get moving right away. Ultimately Ron decided to stay in the room because his back had been bothering him but the rest of us got going about 10:00.
MK is all decked out for Haloween.

Horse and trolley on Main street.
Breanne, Mom, Mike and me got our Mickey ears! Here Mike and I are in them.
My favorite balloons!
Inside the Enchanted Tiki room. They have made some cahnges to this show but it is still kinda lame!
Mike and Breanne outside Pirates of the Carribean.
We watched the Enchanted Tiki show, rode Pirates of the Carribean, Splash Mountain ( yes I got soaked) and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. Then Mom and I were STARVING so we headed to Pecos Bill's for some lunch while the kids road Splash several more times. For Lunch mom and I got BBQ pork sanwiches which were really quite yummy. That is mom above just after eating. The Parade was coming so we decided to stay put and watch it.
Celebrate a dream come true parade.

Mickey and Minnie!
The gang from Aladdin.

The Little Mermaid.
Lilo and Stitch.
Toy Story.
The kids joined us for lunch. They ate while I watched the Parade.
They were hot so they had moved inside.

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