Boma is an African inspired buffet. The food was great there was the usual fair and some Africa type dishes. We all really enjoyed this meal.
Today we had chosen to celebrate Breanne's birthday so they brought her a card and a special dessert platter.

Breanne actually tried everything on the plate!!!! I know shocking! Some she like some she didn't.
Mike decides to try the lemon! Umm I don't know what Ron is doing in this pic! Looks like he is going to kill his coffee.
Lemon head!
After dinner.........gift shop duh!!!!!!!!! Here Ron's head is bein eatin by Stitch.
After Boma we headed back to POP. After a few hours Ron was feeling restless and hungry so we headed up to the Food court to grab a snack and look around.......you guessed it the gift shop. After a few minutes the kids come running in telling me that g-ma had hurts herself and there was blood everywhere! She did not seem to be concerned about it but the kids were horrified. So I left Ron to find his snack and went back to the room to see what had happened! Well to my shock there was blood everywhere! My mom was sitting on the bed with towels under her and tissue pressed to her ankle. She had cut her ankle on the bed frame. It has these little clip things and she scrapped against one and really tore up her ankle. She was sure she would be fine but when I looked at it I knew she needed stiches. So 911 was called and the ambulace was on it's way. My mom has neuropathy in her feet and it extends up her ankles leaving her feeling dramatically reduced! Which in this case was a good thing cause man if she could have fully felt it!!!!! YIKES! So aff to the hospital mom and I go. My 1st time in an ambulance. Below are the pics at the hospital. Kinda graphic so don't go there if you are sqeemish! After she gets her 12 stiches we call for a cab to return us to POP. We got back to our room at about 2:00 in the morning. Oh and by the way Ron got a cheese burger and managed to eat the whole thing while I was tending to bleeding wounded g-ma! So my early morning plans to hit Magic Kindom were off. I did manage to sleep until about 8:00am. Hey I am on vacaion a WDW things to do and see.
Ambulance ride! Guy were so nice.

Ambulance ride! Guy were so nice.
1 comment:
Awwww, I feel so bad for her. Seriously, that is a nasty freakin cut, gash, torn up flesh, whatever you want to call it.
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