Today is Thursday and I have us scheduled to make 9:00am rope drop at Hollywood studios. Well so much for the schedule. Friday was supposed to be our down day but everyone, myself included is dragging a bit from the heat and all of the activity so we decide to make this morning our rest morning. I still awake fairly early and throw on my swimsuit. I gather all of the dirty clothes and get them started in the laundry room. Ron and I head up to the food court and get some breakfast to eat by the pool. We spend the next several hours swimming and lounging poolside while the laundry washes and dries. Mom, who was the first to get up, has been out at the pool all morning too. The kids come to life around 10:00. After a relaxing morning we decide to head to the studios. We have a 5:00 dinner reservation at Sci-fi Dine-in Theatre.
Photopass- trying to keep Ron from flying away!
We headed straight for Tower of Terror got this picture taken on the way. G-ma decided to watch the parade and catch up to us later.

Breanne, Ron and Mike coming off TOT for the 3rd time I think.
Outside Rock -n-Rollercoaster! This one was a blast.
Dinner at the Sci-fi Dine-in. Mike and Breanne decided they were not hungry and rode rides while we ate dinner.
After dinner we walked around and got some pics in.
Power Rangers! The back of the car is a huge speaker blasting rockin music.
The Power Rangers were hysterical! They would get the kids to pose then they would stike a killer pose behind them. It was really funny to watch.
Then on the the Honey I shrunk the kids play area.
We love this place it is so cool!

G-ma and playdoh!
Ron and Mike crawling through the caves.
Everything is so giant and cool looking.
After Hollywood Studios we head to Downtown Disney to do some shopping! Mike and Breanne are of course STARVING now so we get them something to eat at McDonalds of course! We walked all over DTD and checked out all of the shops and stuff. Ron got really nice shirt from The House of Blues which made him ver happy. Then we took the bus back to our resort.

We love this place it is so cool!