As is my tradition I torture the the kids every year with 1st day of school pictures. This year Breanne is a Senior and Mike is in the 7th grade.

Mike is a willing participant but Breanne HATES this tradition. Well lucky for her this is her last year (sniff). Actually I am sure I will be picture happy when I drop her at College next year too!
Waiting for the bus! And so begins the 2008-2009 shcool year! Yeah!!!!
No, she doesnt look very pleased about it...lol. He looks quite excited though.
Hi Marsha,
I hope you don't mind me linking to your blog - via Tammy's :)
Your kids look great going back to school. My daughter went back 2 weeks ago, to her first year in high school (age 11, nearly 12 - she finished primary school in June, been there since age 4). Excuse my ignorance, but how old is 7th Grade?
Best wishes from Bonnie Scotland.
Hi again :)
It's cool to leave a comment on my blog, or you can just answer it here and I can check back.
Thanks for answernig my questions about the school system - not that different really.
Blessings, Jule x
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