Ok so this is my first ever blog. Weird writing stuff down that others may or may not ever read. So what's new today. Happy that the week is over looking forward to cleaning out the garage this weekend. (Crazi I know!) Saturday I am goiong to Liz's to help with the yard sale and then home to get the garage done. Still recovering from my surgery so I can't lift anything but I can give great direction! I'm gonna boss everyone around anyways so I might as well have a good excuse for not doing and just ordering! Most exciting thing that happend this week is I got in touch with my friend Tammy. I have been missing her for some time now and found her on line. It has been wonderful to get caught up and see how well her and her family are doing.

On a sad note: We had to put Hallie down this week. She was 12 years old and I have hade her since she was a puppy! She has pins in her hips from being run over as a puppy and as she got older she develop really bad arthritis in her hips and knees. She was doing ok on anti-inflamitory drugs but they just stopped helping her and she was always in pain. Last week she lost her bladder control and had an accident every time she got up. She was no longer enjoying her life so we felt it was best to put her at peace. We will miss her she was a wonderful freind and companion.
So that is my week in a nutshell. Not sure how to end this thing - weird. So TTFN!
Yay, glad you got in touch with me too, its soooo awesome! Sounds like you are going to be busy this wknd. Nice to see someone is excited to clean a garage, ha, ha. Sorry about your dog, that's so sad.
I can't believe I typed all of that and then had to sign up. Now all my comments are gone.
Okay, had to make sure it worked this time. Hi Tammy and if your still there hi Marsha. I got your letter yesterday. It is so nice to hear from you. Yes, want to get together with you and Marsha soon. I am not with that jack ass you met last. I am married to the best man in the world and plan to stay that way! :-) Anyway, sounds like things are going great for you. A grandma!! I saw the pictures Cute, very cute! That must be your daughter with her. Wow Tammy! I don't have a blog or a my space page. The only time I go on it is when I get an e-mail with a link to go out on it. Everytime we pass thru Salem I think of you and wonder how your doing. My husband's name is listed in the phone book under Troy Cyphers 503-829-3215. Give me a call when you get a chance. Have fun at the beach. I will be playing night golf tomorrow with some friends. Troy and I golf a lot. Just got back from the Bahama's on Monday. Loved it! We went with two other couples. Got burnt as usual. Anyway, great to hear from you. Marsha, if you are still on, sorry to hear about your dog. I know how hard that can be.
Love ya both...take care!
Hey So I am Jessica Tammy's Daughter... I am so glad that you found her. Ever sense I was a little girl she always told me stories of you and her of you guys where younger....And I saw that you made a blog even cooler. Have fun with it!!!!
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