Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I did it!
I drove myself to work today! A few slick spots but overall not too bad. The roads at the house are bad, then not again until you get to the road that my work is on. And the parking lot here at work is awful! Weird working on Christmas eve though! Ron has to work tonight too so he won't be home until 7:30 Christmas morning! We will all be up and waiting for him! Well Maybe!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Winter Wonderland.
It has been snowing everyday now and the snow is really getting deep. Ron's mom stayed over on Saturday. No one was home at her place and she did not want to be alone. Plus you get a little stir crazy when you can't get around. Ron picked her up on Saturday evening. It was a little slippery since the roads were beggining to re-freeze. By Sunday morning we had so much snow that Ron could not even get his car to move in the driveway. He had to get the chains back on it so he could take Mike and his Friend Skyler to church plus he neede to drive Carol home. After many attempts to get the car in the garage he gave up and had to put on one of the chains in the drive. Then he was able to finish in the garage. He said the driving was very frustrating because there was so much slush and compact snow on the road it pulls you into ruts.
No traction, tires are just spinning.

It has been snowing everyday now and the snow is really getting deep. Ron's mom stayed over on Saturday. No one was home at her place and she did not want to be alone. Plus you get a little stir crazy when you can't get around. Ron picked her up on Saturday evening. It was a little slippery since the roads were beggining to re-freeze. By Sunday morning we had so much snow that Ron could not even get his car to move in the driveway. He had to get the chains back on it so he could take Mike and his Friend Skyler to church plus he needed to drive Carol home. After many attempts to get the car in the garage he gave up and had to put on one of the chains in the drive. Then he was able to finish in the garage. He then left to take the boys down the hill. He said the driving was very frustrating because there was so much slush and compact snow on the road it pulls you into ruts.

The plan was for Ron to go to work tonight but the snow just keeps falling and the hills around our house are really bad. So much snow has fallen today that the driveway that was torn up this morning by the cars is now completly covered again! So no work again. I don't know how I am supposed to get to work tommorow! I do love the snow but this is a bit much when you have things you really need to do.
More Baking.
Since I finally got flour Breanne and I were finally able to get on to making our sugar cookies. We made several shapes and some simple round ones that we dipped half in chocolate and sprinkles. The plan was to also make Peanut Butter Christmas Mice but SUPRISE the power went out! We cranked up the generator but no water when the power is out so impossible to clean up after. Darn. Maybe tommorow we will be able to get to them.

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Taking a snow break!
After playing outside for a while we decided to come back in and warm up.
Breanne being that she has NO insulating layer of fluff like the rest of us takes layering to a new level. Here we see her peeling off her 3 pairs of pants. (YES, 3!) Flannel PJ's, Jeans and Sweats on top of it all. Her she begins the removal process.

Almost done!
Fun in the snow!
Finally the snow really came. School was first on a 2 hour delay but by 7:30 they had announced that it would be closed for the day. Kids were thrilled! No way was I driving in the snow so a snow day for everyone. What to do?
Take the dogs out to play.

Today we were SNOWED in so no work and no school. Breanne and I decided to get started on our Christmas cookies. We made chocolate chip cookies and Dove peanut butter bars. Then I realized we were almost out of flour (bought everything else but didn't check the flour) so we will have to make the rest after we can get to the store.

Monday, December 15, 2008
I made it to work! Big CHICKEN that I am! I waitied until the sun was fully up and the roads were good and sanded then I braved the snowy world. We got LOTS of snow and the roads at our house were still icy but as I made it down our hill the roads got much better and the drive was not nearly as horrible as I was fearing that it would be.

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Snow Day!
SNOW!!! Woke up to snow today. Actually went to bed to snow, woke up and it was still here! So of course I had to take the dogs out to play in it. 

It continued to snow off and on for the rest of the day. Ron and I went out Grocery shopping and to pick up Breanne and got stuck in quite a downfall. SCARY!!! Several cars had slid off the road and wrecked into ditches. Even saw on car on it's side! EEK! I like to play in the snow but do not like driving around in it! Was SOOO happy to get back home. Fearing driving to work tommorow! School has already called to report a 2 hour delay tommorow. Of course the kids are hoping for NO SCHOOL!

Holiday Dinner!
Saturday night we had our annual Holiday get together with freinds from the "old" neighborhood. We have been having this annual dinner for years now! Usually at Pete and Ms. E's house but this year thought it would be fun and easier for eveyone to meet at a resturaunt. Lizzie suggested Golden Peacock and YUM so that was where we went. My kids were MIA, Breanne at her Dad's for the weekend and Mike was staying the night with a freind. So it was Me, Ron, Sue, Pete and Ms. Elizabeth, Carri, Michelle, Jeff and Lizzie!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Black Friday
We got up at 3:00 and left the house at 3:30. Made a quick stop for coffee and then to Best Buy. We got in line only to quickly learn that the item we wanted was not a ticked item and that they had plenty so since they did not open until 5:00 we headed to JCPenney's to be there when they oppend at 4:00. There were some really good deals at Penneys so we got a bunch of stuff there. Then on to Areopostale and American Eagle. Next stop Toys "R" US where we shopped in frenzy style to then wait in the worlds longest line. Seriously the line wound all aroud the entire store. No problem though we talked to some nice people while waiting. Then it was on to Walmart. After finding parking and braving our way to the back of the store we didn't find anything we wanted so we left! Ugh! Next stop.....Best Buy. Shop, shop, shop. On to Joanns, then Target the .......Breakfast! Ron was starving and really wanted a break! After we ate our last stop was at Fred Meyer 1/2 price socks ya know! So we finally made it home tired and alot poorer about 11:00! Ron went straight to bed and crashed! I wraped presents and was able to get most of them done too. I Then took a very long bath and got some reading done. Later that night Breanne and I went to see the movie Twilight and we had Dinner at Applebees. It was a really bust but nice day! The movie was really good! Breanne of course is now obsessed and has since seen the movie 3 more times as well as read the book. All in less than 2 weeks!
Tree Trimming
Sunday November 30 time to put up the tree! Arianna spent the night so she helped me trim the tree. Mike was busy playing Video games and Breanne was out seeing the movie Twilight AGAIN! Here Arianna was trying to get Ebony to help!
Arianna is the best tree trimmer EVER! She was helping me with the beads and I noticed that she was doing a better job than me so I slowly walked away and she finished them all on her own. She put most of the ornaments on the tree. I put a few on and Mike popped in for a minute to put one or two on himself.

Arianna is the best tree trimmer EVER! She was helping me with the beads and I noticed that she was doing a better job than me so I slowly walked away and she finished them all on her own. She put most of the ornaments on the tree. I put a few on and Mike popped in for a minute to put one or two on himself.
Backyard Visitors
We had Thanksgiving at our house this year. It was really nice to have everyone over. Unfortunatly I forgot to take pictures so there are only the few that Ron took. Here we are finishing up. Carol making Gravy, Harry carving the Turkey and Janie getting some clean up done.
Mike and Arianna ready to eat!
Another shot of the Kitchen activity......and that's it! No shot of the food or the rest of the festivities! Can't beleive I forgot to even get a picture of the Turkey!
After we ate and and chatted for a while Carol, Harry, Janie and Arianna left. Mike also went to spend the night with G-ma and Arianna. Ron them assumed is favorite postion on the couch!
Then we broke out the pictionary! Breanne is so competative! Her and Todd vs. me and my mom! Breanne and Todd won but I swear they were cheating! LOL

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