Wow I have been slacking on the Bloggesphere! Time to update:
So now that Mike, Ron and my mom have all had and recovered from the swine flu I can breath a little deeeper, seriously! Still have everyone hand washing and santizing like loonies but I will not get this stupid flu. So all that we , Breanne and Ron that is, are suffering now is the common cold. Which as Tammy knows they did not get by going outside with wet hair or without a coat on. Sickies must have not washed their hands good enough or were sharing spit with another sickie. (Yuck) For Breanne I get this but I would like to know who my hubby was kissing??? Will stick with the non-handwashing theory for that one!
I have recently had an EGD, camera down the old throat. So they could see if anything is wrong with my inners. Took some biopsies and will find out the result of that on Monday 12/14. This is also the day my mom goes in for her second hip replacement. She will now have 2 artificial hips and a knee. Big hope is that she is pain free and can get around a bit easier. She will recover in the hospital for a couple of days and then move to a rehab facility for a week or so until she can mostly take care of herself. Since no one is home during the daytime it would not be safe to leave her home alone. She should be home in time for Christmas though.
What is freezing here! Suprise, not... had a pipe burst at work yesterday very exciting water raining from the celing. Got that all fixed up today. No apparent major damage. Luckly we were here when it happend or the whole building would have been flooded.
Breanne has moved back home. She has decided to change schools and majors and this is best done form the comfort of Mommys house. She will start at Green River Community College in February. She want to major in something mathy? Math! Blech! She loves it though and is a whiz.
So that should bring us up to date for now.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Flu season
It is here! First Anna and now Mike. Took Mike to the doctor yesterday and it is offocial, Type A flu for sure most probabbly H1N1! He is in bed and out of school for at least a week. Poor kid feels just awful! Now we are disifecting everything and washing hand every 5 minutes. Mike gets to wear a mask when around people so hopefully nobody else in the house will get it.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Weekend update
This was a very busy weekend! I feel more exhaused now then at the end of the week.
Friday was Mike Birthday Party. We went to Round Table Pizza. Just a few boys, Mike, Breanne, Ron,Liz and Carol were there . It was fun Mike and the boys ran around on the "big toy" and played video games. We had cake and Pizza and Mike got the best gifts ever, MONEY! Ron then took the boys home to watch scary movies. I had pictures but managed to some how erase my memory card! : (
After the party Liz and I went out for drinks at The Ram. We had some delicous martinis, I first orderes a Blueberry Lemondrop, YUM, and Liz got a blended Martini with Peach Puree and Mango it was also delish! Not round we switched. Third round I got a Fruit Tickler Martini and Liz had some kind Fruit tea, like a Long Island only fruity. Drink were yummy, but best of all it was super nice to spend an evening of girl talk with Liz.
Up early Saturday for a couple of hours of work. Supposed to meet a friend but that fell through so I went shopping. Got home Mike had planned to go to a freinds for Halloween so about 2:30 I ran him down into town to drop him off. I decided to Tan and then fininsh my grocery shopping. Was going to head up to Fed way to hang out an some friend but they were no feeling well so resigned to spending the evening in. NO GO! Rons mom called around 8 and needed a ride to the ER Anna is very sick with a high fever. So off too the ER I go. Arianna end up having SWINE FLU!!! Poor kid is soo sick, she is coughing so hard and just looks awful. No school for a week for her. By the time I get home it is after 1:00am.
Sunday again up at the crack "O" 7:30 because my Uncle Dick and his wife Linda are visiting from Califonia and will be here at 8:30. They arrive so nice to see them, my mom is especially excited to have them visiting. They really want to go to NW Trek so off we go. It is really a great day to be outside. Chilly but clear and no rain. NW Trek is amazing we get to see tons of animal and get some great picture. My uncle is an avid photographer so he and Linda really got some great shots. After NW Trek we headed to Tacoma to see the Chihuly Bridge of Glass.
I have been here a couple of times and it is so beautiful. Everyone really seemed to enjoy themselves. We spent a couple hours looking around and taking pictures. When it was time to go Linda and I went to get the car while Mom and Uncle Dick stayed at Starbucks for coffee as they were sore and pooped both are getting hips replaced in the next two months and it really takes a toll on them. We head home to get the kids and go out to dinner. For dinner we head to Samurai Japanease Steak house. Dinner was yummy and tons of fun. They cook at you table and do all of the fun tricks etc that you would expect. We had great food and great conversation. After dinner we said our goodbyes and they headed back to the B&B. Mom is going to go with them tommorow on a drive to Mt. Rainer but sadly I have to work. It was a really nice visit though and I hope they can come back soon. So home to bed at about 10:00pm which is pretty late for me! Whew this weeknd was a busy one and I am pooped!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Day 5 - Hollywood Studios 9/17
Today is Thursday and I have us scheduled to make 9:00am rope drop at Hollywood studios. Well so much for the schedule. Friday was supposed to be our down day but everyone, myself included is dragging a bit from the heat and all of the activity so we decide to make this morning our rest morning. I still awake fairly early and throw on my swimsuit. I gather all of the dirty clothes and get them started in the laundry room. Ron and I head up to the food court and get some breakfast to eat by the pool. We spend the next several hours swimming and lounging poolside while the laundry washes and dries. Mom, who was the first to get up, has been out at the pool all morning too. The kids come to life around 10:00. After a relaxing morning we decide to head to the studios. We have a 5:00 dinner reservation at Sci-fi Dine-in Theatre.
Photopass- trying to keep Ron from flying away!
We headed straight for Tower of Terror got this picture taken on the way. G-ma decided to watch the parade and catch up to us later.

Breanne, Ron and Mike coming off TOT for the 3rd time I think.
Outside Rock -n-Rollercoaster! This one was a blast.
Dinner at the Sci-fi Dine-in. Mike and Breanne decided they were not hungry and rode rides while we ate dinner.
After dinner we walked around and got some pics in.
Power Rangers! The back of the car is a huge speaker blasting rockin music.
The Power Rangers were hysterical! They would get the kids to pose then they would stike a killer pose behind them. It was really funny to watch.
Then on the the Honey I shrunk the kids play area.
We love this place it is so cool!

G-ma and playdoh!
Ron and Mike crawling through the caves.
Everything is so giant and cool looking.
After Hollywood Studios we head to Downtown Disney to do some shopping! Mike and Breanne are of course STARVING now so we get them something to eat at McDonalds of course! We walked all over DTD and checked out all of the shops and stuff. Ron got really nice shirt from The House of Blues which made him ver happy. Then we took the bus back to our resort.

We love this place it is so cool!

Friday, October 2, 2009
Photopass Pictures
I got my photpass CD in the mail yesterday so I though I would update with the photos we had taken during our first few days. For those who don't know Disney has photographers all over the parks and they will take pictures of you that you can purchase or you can purchase a CD with all of the photos they take on it.
Day 4 -Magic Kingdom 9/16
Day 4 is a Magic Kingdom Day. With the trip to the E-room last night for G-ma's leg mom and I did not get to bed until after 2:00 in the morning. I did not set an alarm and figured we would just wake and get going whenever we felt like it. I woke up about 8:00 and started getting ready. G-ma woke up shortly after me and was feeling like she would be able to handle a park day. I woke up the rest of the gang and they did NOT want to get moving right away. Ultimately Ron decided to stay in the room because his back had been bothering him but the rest of us got going about 10:00.
MK is all decked out for Haloween.

Horse and trolley on Main street.
Breanne, Mom, Mike and me got our Mickey ears! Here Mike and I are in them.
My favorite balloons!
Inside the Enchanted Tiki room. They have made some cahnges to this show but it is still kinda lame!
Mike and Breanne outside Pirates of the Carribean.
We watched the Enchanted Tiki show, rode Pirates of the Carribean, Splash Mountain ( yes I got soaked) and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. Then Mom and I were STARVING so we headed to Pecos Bill's for some lunch while the kids road Splash several more times. For Lunch mom and I got BBQ pork sanwiches which were really quite yummy. That is mom above just after eating. The Parade was coming so we decided to stay put and watch it.
Celebrate a dream come true parade.

Mickey and Minnie!
The gang from Aladdin.

The Little Mermaid.
Lilo and Stitch.
Toy Story.
The kids joined us for lunch. They ate while I watched the Parade.
They were hot so they had moved inside.

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