We had discussed skipping our dinner reservation at the Whispering Canyon Cafe because we were all so tired and burned out after the long trip and being up for almost 24 hours but after a refreshing dip in the pool we decided go ahead and head off the the Wilderness Lodge for dinner. So off to the bus we go!
We have to take a bus to the Magic Kingdom and then a bus to the Wilderness Lodge. Here are the kids waiting at Magic Kindom for the Wilderness Lodge bus.
Totem Pole in Lodge lobby just outside the gift shop.
More of the Wilderness Lodge Lobby. It is really a spectacular place. Ron and I would like to come back and stay here.
After a short wait we are seated in the dining room and our dining experiance begins with the Hokey Pokey!!! Breanne and Mike showing us how to do it!
Then the food! Ron, Mike, my Mom and me all ordered the all you care to eat platter which comes with Corn bread...Yummy.
A delicious salad...
..and Chicken, Ribs, Brisket, beans, mashed potatos and corn on the cob! OMG! This was so much food and soo delicious! The Ribs were fantastic and the only thing that we actually got more of. Ron and Mike both had seconds on these babys.
Breanne got......A cheese burger!
And what do you need to go with your cheesburger and fries.............Ketchup of course!
At the WCC when you ask for Ketchup your server yells out "KETCHUP we need ketchup over here" and everyone who has any brings it to your table!
Of course when the next call for Ketchup goes out you must get up and run your bottles to the next needy ketchup victim.
Breanne and Mike we happy to deliver thier ketchup.
While were dining we were treated to Pony races. All the kids are invited to choose a Stick pony and race around the dining room. My kids did not want to race so I snapped a shot of other kids!
This resturaunt was a blast and the food was amazing! We were too full for dessert so we took Apple Crisp and Cheese Cake back to our room to eat later. This resturauant ended up being our favorite of the whole trip and to think we almost missed it! After dinner we shopped at the mercantile where grandma tried to take out a register display with her scooter! Ugh! Then it was back to POP and bed. We were going to get up early to make rope drop at EPCOT!