Thursday, May 21, 2009
Breanne update.
I took Breanne to a new doctor on Monday afternoon. Her name is Dr. Pang and we really liked her. Breanne is still having chest pains and the Zoloft that was prescribed for her anxiety makes her lose her appitite. Which for Breanne is not a good thing. She got weighed at the doctors and is down to 82 lbs!!!! Theydid another EKG which was abnormal so she now has to go have a pediatric EKG done and wear a Holter monitor for 48 hours to see if they can capture her palpitaions and chest pain episodes. We go in on the 29th for both. After a physical exam and a lengthy discusion with the doc she was prescribed new meds for the anxiety, rantadine to make sure the pain she has is not acid reflux and Ambien because she still is not sleeping. So now we wait to see if the new meds help.
Sick of being sick!
I was sick all last week. Ann, my co-worker, was on vacation so I was all alone in the office and sick to boot! I made it through though. Very stressfull week, always is for me when Ann is gone and then add not feeling well on top of that. It finally caught up with me though. I think I did not get the rest I needed over the weekend and on Monday afternoon I really started to feel just awful. Tuesday morning I had lost my voice and was coughing and could barely breath. So I stayed at home in bed all day Tuesday and Wednesday and today I am beggining to feel better. I am happy this is a 3 day weekend so I can get some rest.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Deck day
We have spent the last couple of weekends pressure washing and stipping the front and back decks so we could re-stain them. Ron got the front done last weekend and on Saturday I did the back. Funny how I got the bigger job. Man what a HUGE job it was. We thought 2 gallons of stain would do 2 coats well it barely did 1 coat. She was a thirsty deck!

It sure looks good now that it is all done.

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Birthday dinner.
Ron and I went out to Black Angus for dinner last night to celebrate Ron's birthday. We had a really nice dinner just the 2 of. Ron had steak and Lobster and I had Terriaki Chicken. I also enjoyed a very yummy Raspberry Lemon drop.

They brought Ron this yummy brownie sundae for his birthday we only ate about 1/2 of it but it was good.

After dinner we walked over to look around in Petsmart, Joes and The Office Store. Since Ron did not need to leave for work until 8:30 we still had about an hour to kill so we walked down to Adamo coffee and had a cup of joe. Ron played a little guitar and we sat out on the patio and talked. It was a really nice night.

Friday, May 15, 2009
Happy Birthday Baby!
Today is Rons 40th birthday! He is in denial about it. 40 was really no big deal for me but it seems to be hitting him hard. Like he really feels this as the lose of his youth! I have been trying to tell him that he lost his youth YEARS ago! LOL! Funny though how just a number can evoke such emotions. So your 40! Big deal. Enjoy it before it turns into 50! EEEKKK!
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